on resources
STIR CONFERENCE The Stir Symposium seeks to provide an opportunity to collaborate, think, and discover new ways to approach big global issues. Participants from many disciplines will bring their own expertise to the table, thereby allowing us all to start addressing problems and issues in ways we never would have thought of on our own. The Stir Symposium is about collaborating and thinking in new ways, no matter the discipline: business, architecture, engineering, design, agriculture, geography, and more.
Inspired by Design, the goal, and outcome, of the weekend will be an exploration of methodologies around this process of working together. In organizing this symposium, we have focused the weekend on topics that demand such a multi‑faceted approach.
OPEN EDUCATION CONFERENCE has been described as “the annual reunion of the open education family.” Each year the conference serves as the world’s premiere venue for research related to open education, while simultaneously creating the most friendly and energetic atmosphere you’ll find at any academic conference.
GLIDE is a biennial, virtual conference that disseminates cutting-edge research on topics related to interaction between designers and global communities. The purpose of a virtual format is to bridge cultural and geographic divides in an eco-friendly way.
The theme of GLIDE’10 is the facilitation, consequences, and challenges of cross-cultural collaboration—like participatory or user-/human-centered design—with indigenous and underserved communities and the effect of such on human/user experience.
Nineteenth Annual Graduate Symposium: Secrecy in the Decorative Arts and Design
False panels…trap doors…hiding places…closed rooms…locked drawers…objects help us preserve our intimacies, our private work, our modesty, our faith, and even our lives, by keeping secrets. Inspired by Carolyn Sargentson’s important article “Looking at Furniture Inside Out: Strategies of Secrecy and Security in Eighteenth-Century French Furniture” the Parsons/Cooper-Hewitt Symposium will focus on issues of secrecy in the decorative arts and design. Dr. Sargentson will deliver the keynote address, and a panel of emerging scholars will explore the role of objects in keeping private matters private from a variety of scholarly viewpoints.
For more information or to RSVP: historyofdecarts@si.edu or 1-212-849-8344
Teaching History of Graphic Design: A Bore or a Blast?
The 2010 joint meeting of SECAC and the Mid-America College Art Association (MACAA) will be in Richmond, Virginia October 20-23, and will be hosted by Virginia Commonwealth University.
Deadline: April 20, 2010. Send an abstract of the paper (no more than 200 words) and a current CV.
Call for papers and presentations: Topics can include but are not limited to the following questions. As graphic design educators, how have you overcome the challenges of teaching history of graphic design (HGD)? Who is your audience in teaching HGD? Does learning HGD impact studio practice among your students? Do you combine lecture and studio projects in teaching HGD?
Design Research Conference: The IIT Institute of Design’s 9th Annual Design Research Conference (DRC) will be held at the Spertus Institute in downtown Chicago on May 10-12th 2010. It will feature exceptional international speakers and opportunities to spend time with our brilliant community of designers, planners, researchers, educators, students, managers and executives concerned with understanding people.
AIGA Center for Cross-Cultural Design: (AIGA|XCD) is an AIGA National Chapter established to foster greater communication between designers across cultures, as well as a better understanding of the interwoven experience of design and culture in our lives.
We believe that it is imperative for designers to think beyond their national and cultural borders in order to create visual communication that is responsive to the diversity of audiences today.
Visual Culture Studies Conference: Next Conference is this coming May 2010
Design and Craft/A history of Convergence:
The conferences of the International Committee of Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS) aim to assess the current state of affairs of design history and design studies.
Visualizing Culture—image driven scholarship Visualizing Cultures was launched at MIT in 2002 to explore the potential of the Web for developing innovative image-driven scholarship and learning. The VC mission is to use new technology and hitherto largely inaccessible visual materials to reconstruct the past as people of the time visualized the world (or imagined it to be).
Visual+Critical Studies: THESIS SYMPOSIUM 2010!
ICOGRADA IDA: Icograda (the International Council of Graphic Design Associations) is the world body for professional communication design. Founded in 1963, it is a voluntary assembly of organisations concerned with graphic design, visual communication, design management, promotion, education, research and journalism. Icograda promotes communication designers’ vital role in society and commerce and unifies the voices of graphic designers and visual communicators worldwide.