Romare Bearden Stamps

This is a significant moment in time for the United States Postal Commission to select the works of Romare Bearden, one of the 20th century’s most distinguished American Artist. Not many visual artist works are selected for stamps, this auspice moment is unique being it is not just one stamp, but four paintings of Bearden’s work reproduced on stamps. The works selected are Prevalence of Ritual: Conjur Woman, (1964), Conjunction (1971), Odysseus: Poseidon, The Sea Gold—Enemy of Odysseus (1977), Falling Star (1979). This series portrays Bearden’s affinity for capturing the lifestyle of black Americans or syncopated beats of jazz musicians and literature,  infused with mixed media collages.

The United States Postal Service issued the stamps on September 28, 20011, which coincide with the 100th anniversary of Bearden’s birth September 2, 1911.  For more information about Romare Bearden Foundation and the centennial events:


About The Author

Michele Washington

I am a designer, design critic and educator, I love doodling and tinkering with objects that I collect from my global travels.

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11 2011

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