Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’Category

Justin McGuirk: Takes over as Director of writing and curating at Design Academy Eindhoven


Last week Paola Antonelli, curator at MoMA  tweeted “We need critics and curator” HELL YEAH!  She was jubilant over the news of Justin McGuirk, being named the new head of the writing and curating program at Design Academy Eindhoven, he aims to attracting new generation of talented younger writers and thinkers who can provide a much needed critical framework for design criticism.

McGuirk, a regular columnist for Dezeen, will work one day a week at the Dutch design school, where he hopes to attract talented young writers and thinkers who can help provide a new critical framework for design. (read more)







05 2015


Berlin-based MADE recently premiered their latest project, “REƧƎƎИ: A TRANSFORMATION OF VISUALISATIONS.” Eight creative individuals from different artistic fields were brought together for an exchange of ideas. Starting with the images of hip-hop photographer Jonathan Mannion, seven Berlin-based artists were given the opportunity to make their mark on an image of their choosing. In addition to Jonathan Mannion, the other seven creatives were Amine BendriouichChristian AweConny DreherEbon HeathGood Wives and WarriorsLukas Feireiss and Noelle. Watch as the eight creatives first meet up in Mannion’s NYC studio and then make their way over to MADE in Berlin with stops at each artist’s studio along the way. If you happen to be in Berlin make sure to check out the “REƧƎƎИ” exhibition going on now at MADE from September 4 through the 22nd, located at Alexanderstrasse 7 in Berlin, Germany.


09 2012

Treasures of Pratt Institute

Watch Treasures of New York: Pratt Institute on PBS. See more from THIRTEEN Specials.

From its inception through the 21st century, Pratt has counted among its faculty those whose works became the lexicon of industrial design. Eva Zeisel’s Museum Dinnerware, Morison S. Cousins’ Promax Compact Hairdryer, and Karim Rashid’s reusable Bobble Water Bottle are all part of the archive of the Museum of Modern Art. Pratt also helped develop such versatile artistic sensibilities that included Pamela Colman Smith’s The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck and Jeremy Scott’s avant-garde fashion


06 2012

And Counting…And Counting More Ways

Food for Thought

Truly Food for Thought

featured in the NYTIME, written By JAN ELLEN SPIEGEL
April 13, 2012

THE study of food has had a home in higher education for generations. Agriculture was a founding mission of the land-grant university system started in the 1860s. Nutrition programs are commonplace. Culinary schools were around long before Julia Child turned Le Cordon Bleu on its butter-sauced ear.

But in an era of widespread interest, if not downright concern, about how that ear of corn, destined for a pot of boiling water on a perfect summer evening is grown, processed, marketed, distributed and used — and what it means for health, commerce, the economy and even the ecological state of the planet — colleges and universities have come to realize that the classic food disciplines simply will not do anymore. For more read NYTIMES


04 2012

2012 Participatory Conference Keynotes Talk About Indigenous Design

Live stream videos at Ustream

Sadly, I couldn’t fly off to Australia to attend this year’s Participatory Innovation Conference 2012’s (PIN-C2012), but I’ve been following the pre-speakers events online through Ustream. This is a stellar Keynote presentation all about play, indigenous design, and participatory process. And so far I’ve been very pleased with all that I have heard to date. In the video above Professor Sudarshan Khanna, former Principal Designer-Faculty, and Chairman of Education & Research at the National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad, India.



01 2012

Social Media vs. Social Business

as featured on FC by EXPERT BLOGGER DREW NEISSER, he weighs in on who will be the next major leaders in social business and whether these new initiatives can replace social media. What’s your take on social business and what does this mean to you?

IBM is moving itself and its clients well beyond social media into a new era of collaboration, insight sharing, and lead generation it calls social business.

It takes extraordinary chutzpah to promote a vision before it can be fully realized by your audience, let alone your company. IBM did just that in 1997 when it introduced the notion of e-business. Fourteen years later, it is doing it again with a concept they call social business. Given its prescience about e-business, a concept that radically transformed how companies buy and sell their products, it is hard to dismiss their latest idée fixe. For more read: FastCompany


09 2011

Gone Fishing!



You might have noticed that I haven’t updated my blog at all this month. It’s that time in August, when I usually tell all my friends, I’m going fishin’ or maybe wading in a dumpster pool. Whether I’m heading off to Maine, Salvador de Bahia or Paris. I’m taking a much needed break, just to do a little wanderlustin’!  I’ll be back soon.



08 2011

Filosofia Do Design/Manifesto AntiDesign 2.0

Formei-me em Design Gráfico na PUC-PR em 2007. Por causa  de professores inspiradores, fui contaminado com o desejo do estudo. Nunca fui aluno dedicado em nada até encontrá-los. Eles me ensinaram que a Universidade tem uma arma que é deixada de lado: a provocação.

Me interessei mais pela área acadêmica do design, da pesquisa, da teoria, e sempre encontrei resistência a essa atitude, tanto por parte de colegas quanto de professores. Muitos não entendem ou não querem entender a importância do estudo teórico, da discussão, da multidisciplinaridade – esse chavão que, apesar de muita gente falar para se achar “legal”, é pouquíssimo posto em prática.


01 2011

2011: Anos Novos Felizes

Xmas 2008 dinner with Cliff and the Barton/Alves Family

praising the ancestors and wishing health, joy, love and transgressions in 2011

Celebrating with my dad


12 2010