Hibakusha Stories Film Festival
Witness to Hiroshima is a short documentary by my good friend Kathy Sloane a photojournalist from Oakland, California.
Just in time for Mother’s Day, so bring your Mom, friends or anti-nuclear family too!
Hibakusha Stories and Maysles Cinema present:
Docs on Nukes — nuclear narratives through the art of film
Maysles Cinema
343 Lenox Avenue
(Malcolm X Boulevard)
New York, NY, 10027
Between 127th and 128th
2,3,4,5,6, A,B,C,D subways to 125th street
Witness to Hiroshima
Directed by Kathy Sloane, 2010
Running Time: 15:56 minutes
Japanese citizen Keiji Tsuchiya, using his 12 powerful watercolors, recounts his experiences in Hiroshima as a 17-year-old soldier immediately following the dropping of the atomic bomb, and relates those experiences to his subsequent life-long commitment to saving the Japanese horseshoe crab and its habitat. http://www.witnesstohiroshima.com
Witness to Hiroshina Trailer
Post screening panel discussion with filmmakers, Kathy Sloane and M.T. Silvia and Kathleen Sullivan, PhD, Program Director of Hibakusha Stories.And Special Sneak Preview
Atomic Mom
Directed by M.T. Silvia, 2010
Running Time: 87 minutes
Atomic Mom is a documentary about two women, both mothers, who have opposite experiences of the atomic bomb. After decades of silence, a daughter’s quest for truth leads to the exchange of an olive branch between an American Scientist and a Hiroshima Survivor.